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@opensourceinitiative #linux

¿Any good self-hosted mailing list platform?

Dear Nerds,

I am desperately searching for a good mailing list platform, mainly for my research lab. For sending newsletters/ information, I am using listmonk. But for discussions, this is not suitable.

I tried discourse, gray duck, sympa, and mailman3; discourse is only installable with docker and changing the port is not possible (besides, it's bloat for a simple mailing list). Gray Duck is also docker and runs, but is by default unsecured (securing needs a reverse proxy +++)... For installing sympa and mailman3 (Ubuntu) I'm too stupid (as well, changing the port seems to be complicated and the documentation of mailman is insufficient in my humble opinion...).

By chance, you know a platform for managing a mailing list that ideally provides:

- "easily" installable on Ubuntu (I managed friendica, thingsboard, rainloop, Wiki.Js, serendipity).
- private and public mailing lists.
- web interface.
- open (obvious...).

As I said, I failed with mailman3; I don't mind compiling (I published several scientific programs in PHP, C, Cxx, python); but I don't have the time trying to find cryptic configurations.

Maybe I'm lucky ;-) and someone can give me a hint.

Please help me to get rid of google groups...


in reply to Robert Winkler

Gracias @mondcivitano! Finally, I installed listmonk; and I'm using Framalistes . The later is more accepted by my lab :-).